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Stephanie Kilgast


Stéphanie Kilgast’s work usually starts with trash. Water bottles, milk cartons, discarded and thrifted objects serve as her source material, which she reclaims and adorns with astoundingly intricate modeling in clay, paper, and paint. Her sculptures are colorful, striking, and playful. They serve as an ode to nature’s resilience and the wonders of biodiversity, amid life’s (inevitable) consumption. 


Stéphanie Kilgast was born in Germany and lives in Vannes, France. She has a Master’s degree in Architecture but is primarily self-taught when it comes to making art. Collected and exhibited around the world, she was a sculpture finalist for the Beautiful Bizarre art prize in 2019 and began showing with Arch Enemy Arts in 2021. Stéphanie celebrated her first solo feature with the gallery in 2024.

Catalog of works. 

Below is a list of all works from solo and group exhibitions. Any pieces marked with a red dot have been sold. 

Arch Enemy Arts • 109 Arch Street in Philadelphia, PA 19106 • (215) 717-7774
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