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Swallowed by the jungle

group show

January 6th - 28th, 2017


Opening on Friday, January 6th will be Swallowed By The Jungle, a group show that approaches  environmental issues and the natural world by envisioning a future that empowers and has taken agency away from humankind and back to nature itself, featuring new works by Naoto Hattori, Craww, Alex Louisa, Ania Tomika, Chris Austin, David Seidman, Halsey Swain, Hannah Yata, Mary O'Malley, Nick Pederson, Nom Kinnear King, Paul Romano, and Winona Nelson

Each contribution captures scenes and stories of the sudden power of nature’s wrath, the result of a slow reclamation over time like how some ancient cities have been ‘swallowed by the jungle’. While some pictured a world without humans at all, others choose leave the presence of people ambiguous and simply take time appreciate the beauty and wonder of the animals, or forests, or wilderness we know.


click here to email ARCHENEMYARTS@GMAIL.COM with any purchase inquires

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