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Arch Enemy arts 2017 showcase

group show

September 1st - 3oth, 2017


Arch Enemy Arts is excited to announce the finalists for our 2017 Open Call Exhibition. The lineup of 24 artists chosen from submissions to Arch Enemy’s first open call to artists since 2015.

The showcase will debut new works by Ben Patterson, Bill Ross, Claus Word, Daniel Mythcity, Evi Numen, Grant Gilsdorf, Grelin Machin, Guenevere Schwien, John Walker, Kaila Gee, Kazuhiro Hori, Kierstin C. Young, Kristen Reichert, Kurt Kreissl, Leif Erik Johansen, Matty Geez, Mikael Takacs, Mike Bell, Nathan Durfee, Nicholas ‘Loaf’ Boyd, Pruch Sintunava, Rotten Fantom, Travis Cicchetto, and Zofia Bogusz.


click here to email ARCHENEMYARTS@GMAIL.COM with any purchase inquires

Arch Enemy Arts • 109 + 111 Arch Street in Philadelphia, PA 19106 • (215) 717-7774
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